My blog has been created to document my time studying for my BA (Hons) Professional Practice at Middlesex University

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Video Diary 6


  1. Mark interesting summing up for the video diaries, they will be interesting to review for your portfolio.

  2. Extremley interesting point about the internet and just how much we rely on it! Watching your video bought it closer to home...We can begin to take these things for granted until we are in a situation like yours or know someone who is.
    My laptop was stolen just over a year ago...if its not already, get it insured!
    I am online everyday, checking email, applying for casting and researching..i don't know what i'd do without it.
    Will miss your video diaries..keep making them as they'll make great supporting evidence for your assignment, should you choose to use them.

  3. Mark, I think I know why your comment disappeared off from my blog... it went into the spam folder! I just found it! Thanks for your comments about the website, I have actually changed it again a little bit now, but good to hear it sounds as though I have been doing it for years. I have in fact been doing gigs and small scale Cabaret since I was 15 but moving up the ladder is the next step for me. I have had some response from a couple of agents that I sent info to so it its all looking positive! yay! Hope you had a nice xmas and new year and left panto on a high. xxx
