My blog has been created to document my time studying for my BA (Hons) Professional Practice at Middlesex University

Friday 15 October 2010

Shrek Audition

I'm in the process of auditioning for the new musical 'Shrek' and I thought I'd write a bit about the process I went through and how this course informed my decisions.

It started with a phone call from my agent about two weeks ago telling me about the audition. We were asked to provide two contrasting pop musical theatre songs. I started by looking at the songs I already had in my portfolio and deciding if any of them were suitable. As I didn't know the show very well I then decided to buy the soundtrack but when I looked on Amazon it was £18.99 which for a first audition is a little out of my price range. So I decided to YouTube the show and almost all of the soundtrack was posted on there (probably illegally but I'm not going to lose sleep). I listened to most of the songs and what I heard really had an impact on what I decided to sing. So far this is pretty much what I would usually do for an audition.

I went in and sang for the panel on Monday and it went well. I was called the following day by my agent
saying I had a recall to dance on Friday (today, and yes I am doing this to take my mind off it) and that next week I had to go in and do some cover material. This is where I started to go about things a bit differently. Normally I would probably just learn the material and leave it at that but this course is making me think about the way I do things so I decided to put a little more work in. After all I figured you can never be too prepared.

So I start by googling 'Shrek the Musical in London' and the site linked above came up. On it are a list of the creative team behind the show in London. I then decided to google them in their turn and read about the other work they have done. I decided you never know what you might be asked so its best to arm yourself with as much knowledge about the panel as possible.

Whilst googling them I came across this YouTube video of Rob Ashford (one of the directors) talking about audition technique and what he looks for when he is auditioning people. What an amazing resource this is! I can now go into the audition knowing what it is he wants to see. I know obviously lots of tips are generic but this business is very subjective so the more personal insight you can get the better.

Whilst on YouTube I noticed that someone had secretly filmed the entire show and posted it (again not very ethical I know but I want this job). So yesterday afternoon I sat down and had a virtual afternoon at the theatre. This was so rewarding because I have now seen the choreography required. I understand the style of the show and the humour in it. I've also seen the character that I'm auditioning for in action. This can obviously be dangerous because it can lead you to imitate someone instead of bringing your own self to it but in realising this I don't think I'm in danger of it.

By reflecting on the way I usually do things, deciding there was more I could do and then using some of the tools we have been talking about recently I feel I have given myself the best possible chance for this job. Of course I may still not get it but I will know that it's not for want of trying.


  1. That's great Mark! I admire your thorough and dedicated aproach to your work. I have also been inspired to take a more detailed approach when preparing for jobs and auditions by using the web tools so readily available to us! I'm also gonna check out
    You're absolutely right, you can never be too prepared. I think you've given yourself an excellent start..i hope you get it!
    Someone said to me this week 'Success is 1% Talent and 99% hard work!'

  2. Thanks for the tips Mark! Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! x

  3. Well done Mark,very impressed! I always look on youtube for dance auditions especially when i no the cheography is going to be intense.

  4. Great blog Mark. I think the way you are connecting the ideas in the course and then seeing their practical use for your personal experiences is a really good way to get something more meaningful out of what you do. I think the fun of discovering and the fact you have had the fun finding stuff like the youtube video means that you empower yourself within the audition process rather than feeling someone has the secret and you have to wait and hope they will bless you with approval you. Whatever happens you have now got something out of it. I always hope people leave my auditions feeling that it was worth their time even if they didn't get the job!
    Is this blog entry you said you were thinking of writing on the comments on my blog?

  5. Thanks everyone. It's really true what Adesola said about feeling empowered by the process. Taking things into your own hands rather than waiting for someone to bestow something good upon you. I do now feel I have achieved something irrelevant of the outcome. This isn't the blog I was talking about on your blog Adesola. There is another one that is still in draft form at the moment that I should post today or tomorrow.

  6. Thanks for the video clip. I think there were some great audition tips in there can can apply to many types of auditions. Good luck though, hope you land it!
