My blog has been created to document my time studying for my BA (Hons) Professional Practice at Middlesex University

Friday 23 September 2011

Inquiry Aims and Objectives

I told the people that I have arranged to interview that I would send them something which outlined my inquiry. Letting them know what exactly I was investigating and to what end. This proved to be harder than I thought but this morning I finally got something down on paper. No doubt this will change with things being added and subtracted but I feel that it is a start. I'd love to know anyone's thoughts.

Title (working):
An Investigation into how the training of vocational musical theatre students prepares them for the demands of the profession. Do you maximise a performers chance of career success by training them to be as versatile as possible or by allowing them to specialise in a particular area of musical theatre?

  • To discover how musical theatre students are currently being trained on a range of London musical theatre courses, looking at the reasons behind the training methods.
  • To uncover the student perspective. What are their opinions on their training and the direction in which it is taking them?
  • To look at the demands made on professional performers in the musical theatre industry, and ascertain how their training has impacted their careers in either positive or negative ways
  • To look at the views of musical theatre casting professionals (director/producer/casting director), shedding light on how they approach the casting process and what they look for in prospective cast members.
  • To improve my understanding of the way musical theatre students are currently trained on some of the top London courses and in turn make myself a better teacher.
  • To improve my understanding of the demands made of professional performers in today’s musical theatre industry. By understanding what is being asked of performers I hope to be able to better prepare my students to attain these attributes.
  • To improve my understanding of the casting process and of what is really important to the people who give the jobs.
  • To come to a better understanding of the musical theatre industry as a whole. Linking all the strands of evidence to create a clearer picture of how to best prepare someone in training for their future career.
  • To share my findings (in a controlled way, maintaining participant anonymity) with any person or institution within the industry also wishing to widen their knowledge.


  1. Mark, I think this is great and if you don't mind I think I might do something similar for my inquiry. I have been busy writing the first draft of my introduction and I think laying out your aims and objectives will help to ensure that all of the important points are covered in the introduction as 500 words is not very much and I am struggling to keep it bellow the word count.
    I think it will also be very useful for your participants I have made my proposal available to anyone who wants to read it and explained verbally what the inquiry will entail but I believe that your outline of the aims and objectives will be more effective.

  2. Hi Mark and Stephie,

    I think this is a great way to focus the introduction. 500 words sounds alot but when you have lots to include they are soon used up. Thank you for sharing your initial planning process. I now feel I have a template to organsie my thoughts. Starting seems to be the hardest stage but I intend to get it over and done with!

    Many thanks


  3. Hi Mark

    I agree with the girls and think this is a great way to get started and set out your intentions in a way thats easy to read and understand. Your ideas sounds great also.

    I have been struggling to get started and so i thought i would follow in your foot steps and set out my aims and objectives but in doing so realised that i didnt fully understand what the difference was between the two things.

    I have been looking online and its harder to find a clear answer to this than you would think but from what i have gathered:

    Aims are your overall goal or what you want to achieve.

    Objections are what you will do to achieve them.

    If i have understaood this correctly then you may agree that some of the points you have made in objections would fit in better in your aims and maybe vice versa. Thought this may be some food for thought?! Let me know what you think?


  4. Thanks guys. Glad you think it's helpful. Ceris what you said seems to me to be the wrong way around. The way I see it, an aim is about what your intentions are or what you aim to do. An objective is about why you are doing it and what you hope to achieve. The dictionary defines it as a goal. So that's how I've ordered my list.
